Boasting an impressive 18 players the CompuServe Open has come to a close. The event was a blast to attend and I hope everyone is looking forward to future chances to play Hyper.
1st Place: Sol Malka, GBr Survival
At the end of 5 rounds and a cut to top 4, the winner is Sol Malka, with a new spin on a old favorite.
2nd Place: Ben, Miracle Gro
Coming in 2nd was Ben, the creator of the format, with a spicy four color Miracle Gro deck including hits such as Quirion Dryad, Psychatog, Meddling Mage, and Armageddon.
Decklist unavailable
3rd Place: John-Peter Reiland, Goblins
With a strong third finish is resident Goblin aficionado JPR with his first draft at the deck in Hyper.
1 Boil
4th Place: Josh Hand, Full English Breakfast
Closing out the top 4 is Josh Hand with a different take of Survival.
Other Decks
Off the top of my head here are the other decks from the event, in no particular order.
GB Survival
GU Opposition/Squirrel's Nest
BR Zombie Infestation
UB Psychatog
UB Psychatog with Zombie Infestation
Flash Rector
High Tide
UB Reanimator
Reanimator with Braids
Big Red (Covetous Dragon)
UG Turbolands