The Castlegate Classic has concluded with the only newcomer to the format present taking first place. After 5 rounds and a cut to top 8, Jacob Baggs stood alone at the top with Goblins.
Video archives of the event can be found on YouTube.
- 1st Jacob Baggs (Goblins)
- 2nd Nathan Green (Braids Reanimator)
- 3rd Brendan Hagan (Elves)
- 3rd Ben Crum (Miracle Gro)
- 5th Jeremy Piper (Burn)
- 5th Andrew Polk (Sligh)
- 5th Matt Webster (Storm)
- ?th Zack Wilson (Green Stax)
- 9th Will Hutchins (UG Abduction Combo) on breakers
- 10th Sean O'Brien (GR Land Destruction)
- 11th Paul Callis (Enchantress)
- 12th Sam Tuell (Sea Drake Stompy)
- 13th Sy Johnston (Rebels)
- 14th Morgan Cooper (UW Standstill)
- 15th Josh Hand (UR Welder)
- 16th Stephen Bridges (Dromar Dudesweats)
- 17th Thor Baggs (Suicide Black)
Zack was first seed going into top 8, but had to leave early. Who knows if the momentum of his undefeated run through the swiss might have carried through top 8.
It was a delight to see the deck diversity that was present this weekend, with 17 unique archetypes represented. Notably absent was Flash Rector, with one champion otherwise engaged (well, married now) and the other opting for Storm this time around instead. Also notable was the absence of Survival of the Fittest, the prevailing deck from the Compuserve Open.
1st Place: Jacob, Goblins
2nd Place: Nathan, Braids Reanimator
3rd Place: Brendan, Elves
4rd Place: Ben, Miracle Gro
Not available
5th Place: Matt, Storm
?th Place: Zack, Green New Deal
Zack's Thoughts:
"In retrospect, Plow Under is marginal and should probably be another Creeping Mold and a couple of Stunted Growth. For maximum value. Gigapede might just become Hermit #4."